Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Henry Ford

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Úspěchy našich absolventů!

Vloženo: 30. 01. 2015 10:48:00


Absolventka Anglicko-českého gymnázia AMAZON Juliana Vaculíková vyhrála díky svým excelentním znalostem anglického jazyka prestižní soutěž pro mladé autory píšící anglicky "National Literary Award for Young Writers".
Navíc byla oceněna zvláštním uznáním poroty za nejlepší angličtinu.
Gratulujeme a motivujeme všechny naše studenty k podobným výkonům!

The theme of the 8th annual National Literary Award for Young Writers competition was "mirrors". All contestants were to write a short story of up to 1500 words involving mirrors in any way, shape or form. The competition was split into four categories as follows: writers under the age of 12, ages 13-15, 15-17, and 17-19. This year there were over 250 submissions from all over the Czech Republic as well as Slovakia. A jury of three selected four awarded nominees from each category, the best of which received a financial reward, and finally an absolute winner was picked from the winners of the four categories. The absolute winner received a trip to Edinburgh for himself and a family member. In 2014, Juliana Vaculíková won first place for best short story in the 17-19 years old category as well as an award for best use of English overall.


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